Most dangerous areas for whale shark-shipping vessel collisions revealed
Heavily-used shipping lanes that pass through whale shark feeding grounds pose a threat to the species, according to scientists who have revealed areas where the creatures are at the highest risk.
2024/5/14 0:00:00
Tiger beetles fight off bat attacks with ultrasonic mimicry
When tiger beetles hear a bat nearby, they respond by creating a high-pitched, ultrasonic noise, and for the past 30 years, no one has known why. In a new study, scientists lay the mystery to rest by showing that tiger beetles use ultrasonic warning signals that mimic those of toxic moths.                                           
2024/5/14 0:00:00
Novel inhibitor insights offer pathway to preventing PXR-associated drug resistance
<p><em>Scientists at St. Jude Children&rsquo;s Research Hospital uncovered a route to blocking activity of protein notorious for eliminating drugs, offering a potential boon to cancer therapy.</em></p>
2024/5/14 0:00:00
Derivatives of the thalidomide compound drive resistant cancer cells to their deaths
<strong>A study by Goethe University Frankfurt points to the possibility that thalidomide derivatives are potentially suitable for treating cancer. Thalidomide was marketed in the 1950s as a sleeping pill. It later gained sad notoriety for causing severe fetal abnormalities in the early stages of pregnancy. It is meanwhile known that the molecule marks proteins in the cell for degradation. For the current study, the researchers produced thalidomide derivatives. They were able to show that these influence the degradation of proteins responsible for the survival of cancer cells.</strong>
2024/5/13 0:00:00